The GWCT has a long and honourable history of finding practical and pragmatic solutions to conservation problems.
A problem which has proved more intractable than most is identifying how we can begin to sustainably rebuild Hen Harrier populations in England. To this end we have been working for over two years with a range of partners* under the direction of Defra to produce a Joint Recovery Plan for Hen Harriers.
This plan is now drafted and the GWCT believes that it is essential that it is put into the public domain as swiftly as possible so that it can be properly debated and hopefully implemented at the earliest opportunity.
To this end Andrew Gilruth, our Director of Communication, has launched an e-petition simply asking Defra to publish the Joint Recovery Plan. This is a comparatively simple thing to ask and the more people who sign the greater the likelihood that Defra will do so. Signing only takes a couple of minutes, it would be wonderful if you, and any of your friends or family who may want to, would add your names to an already impressive number of people who have signed.
Click here to sign the petition and save Hen Harriers >
If you want to know more about the current controversy regarding Hen Harriers a great deal of relevant information is available here.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you, I hope, for making the effort to sign.
* those involved in the Hen Harrier Joint Recovery Plan are: Natural England, the Moorland Association, the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation, the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, the National Park Authority and the RSPB.
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